20.10.2023 – 14.04.2024
For more than 40 years, Johann Rausch has been producing art on an international level – and yet he is almost unknown. In the silence of his studio and various hotel rooms scattered around the globe, he has nevertheless devoted himself to his art on a daily basis. His extensive series of works reveal a meticulous and critical examination of the essential themes of human existence and a constant struggle to find viable aesthetic solutions. The exhibition “Searching Myself” – curated by Roman Grabner – is the first comprehensive presentation of this unknown oeuvre and can be seen as a small sensation in the Austrian art landscape.
Johann Rausch – Searching myself
20.10.2023 – 14.04.2024
Neue Galerie Graz
Joanneumsviertel, Zugang Kalchberggasse
8010 Graz