“FEZ’23 – Festival for the development of the future”, Dornbirn, various locations

10R beim FEZ 2022 (c) Angela Lamprecht

06.10.2023 bis 15.10.2023

In today’s world, it is more important than ever to address sustainability, resource conservation, etc. How can we preserve the value of products, materials, building materials and other resources as long as possible while minimising waste and environmental pollution? The answers, strategies and best cases on the topic of circular culture are the focus of “FEZ’23 – the festival for the development of the future”. For ten days, exhibitions, lectures, workshops, art dinners and ramp talks will show how this can be achieved on a broad scale.

“FEZ’23 – Festival for the development of the future”
06.10.2023 – 15.10.2023
Dornbirn, various locations