13.7. – 31.8.2023
The big literature open-air presents a young and top-class literary programme across current new publications and upcoming autumn titles. In the main courtyard of the MuseumsQuartier Wien, eight well-known authors will once again meet eight exciting debuts.
Bachmann Prize winner Birgit Birnbacher opens the 20th O-Töne with her acclaimed third novel “Wovon wir leben”. Before that, Cornelia Hülmbauer will read from her debut novel “oft manchmal nie” as part of the O-Töne debut series. As a musical prelude, the poetically witty Viennese song artist Anna Mabo will congratulate her with her band “Die Buben”.
Readings by Ana Marwan, Teresa Präauer will follow in the coming weeks. In August, Milena Michiko Flašar Tonio Schachinger will read, before the O-Töne enter the finale with three special book premieres:
On 17.08. Sabine Gruber presents her new book “Die Dauer der Liebe”, on 24.08. Laura Freudenthaler introduces her novel “Arson”, which will be published at the end of August. The festival will close on 31 August with the award-winning essayist Franz Schuh and his new novel “Ein Mann ohne Beschwerden”.
This year’s first works at the O-Tönen are by Greta Lauer, Johanna Sebauer, Fabian Wakolbinger, Matthias Gruber, Luca Kieser, Karoline Therese Marth and Eva Reisinger.
Literary scholars Daniela Strigl and Klaus Kastberger are responsible for the programme.
Konzert: Anna Mabo und die Buben
Birgit Birnbacher „Wovon wir leben“ (Zsolnay)
Cornelia Hülmbauer „oft manchmal nie“ (Residenz)
Moderation: Klaus Kastberger
Ana Marwan „Verpuppt“ (Otto Müller)
Greta Lauer „Gedeih und Verderb“ (Luftschacht)
Moderation: Katja Gasser
Teresa Präauer „Kochen im falschen Jahrhundert“ (Wallstein)
Johanna Sebauer „Nincshof“ (Dumont)
Moderation: Daniela Strigl
Milena Michiko Flašar „Oben Erde, unten Himmel“ (Wagenbach)
Fabian Wakolbinger „Kaiser der Obdachlosen“ (Milena)
Moderation: Florian Baranyi
Tonio Schachinger „Echtzeitalter“ (Rowohlt)
Matthias Gruber „Die Einsamkeit der Ersten ihrer Art“ (Jung und Jung)
Moderation: Daniela Strigl
Sabine Gruber „Die Dauer der Liebe“ (Beck)
Luca Kieser „Weil da war etwas im Wasser“ (Picus)
Moderation: Stefan Gmünder
Laura Freudenthaler „Arson“ (Jung und Jung)
Karoline Therese Marth „Dotterland” (Droschl)
Moderation: Klaus Kastberger
31.08. 2023
Franz Schuh „Ein Mann ohne Beschwerden“ (Zsolnay)
Eva Reisinger „Männer töten“ (Leykam)
Moderation: Günter Kaindlstorfer
Literature Festival O-Töne 2023
13.7. – 31.8.2023
Museumquartier, Vienna