29.3. – 6.8.2023
For 30 years Julius Deutschbauer has been unsettling Vienna’s cityscape with his self-commissioned posters. Did you know how close wit, irony, and provocation can be? Deutschbauer gives us the answer.
The MAK is presenting all 208 posters from the past three decades in a compact show.
As a constant observer of social developments, Deutschbauer always shows himself, looking seriously into the camera, with texts and comments on exhibitions, performances, festivals, and even political content.
In a specially arranged “cozy corner” of the Works on Paper Room, Deutschbauer, the performing artist, offers insight into his “Library of Unread Books,” which has travelled widely and has constantly been expanded since 1997, with a wide variety of performative events.
The exhibition was curated by Kathrin Pokorny-Nagel.
HELP YOURSELF. Julius Deutschbauer – 30 Years of Poster Design
29.3. – 6.8.2023
MAK Kunstblättersaal
Stubenring 5, 1010 Vienna