15.4. – 20.4.2023
The performance NEW ENDINGS resists everyday racism and violence with the means of self-empowerment.
The performers take the power to retell violent or traumatic experiences and let them end anew. The new outcomes of their experiences take away the feeling of “If only I…”. In this way they tell their own stories, but also tell stories in a new way.
The artistic team around Stefanie Sourial, Hyo Lee, Faris Cuchi Gezahegn, Patu, Janine Jembere and Sunanda Mesquita holds its own against experienced attacks, awakens past events and transforms them into music, live drawings and a performance full of power and humor.
New Endings
15.4. – 20.4.2023
brut nordwest
Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10
1200 Wien