23.3. – 28.5.2023
Impressive cubatures, multi-faceted façades or refined details – the works of the “Grazer Schule (Graz School)” is still shaping the image of the city today.
Nevertheless, many of these buildings are threatened with demolition. In the exhibition “Grazer Schule. Style & Value of a Phenomenon”, students of the Institute for Architectural Theory, Art and Cultural Studies (akk) at Graz University of Technology dedicate themselves to this important architectural heritage.
The exhibition and accompanying event explore the question: What is the significance of these architectural icons for the city of Graz alongside the buildings in the city center that have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites? How should we deal with this architectural heritage of the late 20th century?
Curated and designed by: Lara Aichholzer, Angelika Alberer, Annalena Arminger, Marius Birnbreier, Gabriel Deinhammer, Esther Dullnigg, Julian Lança Gil, Kim Melissa Luu, Salim M‘Barki, Clara Neuhold, Kerstin Neuhold, Katharina Platzer, Natalie Resch, Florentine Rom, Anna Söllinger, Sandra Sulzer, Katharina Weigl. Led by Margareth Otti-Wagner.
Grazer Schule. Style & Value of a Phenomenon
HDA – Haus der Architektur
23.03. – 28.05.2023