FLAMES TO DUST – Henrike Iglesias / brut nordwest, Vienna

FLAMES TO DUST, Foto: © Dorothea Tuch / brut nordwest

9.2. – 11.2.2023

Henrike Iglesias are back in brut!

FLAMES TO DUST is a show about finiteness and sadness, endings and loops and loops and endings. Together we ask ourselves: Why do all good things come to an end? And what if we could start all over again? Inspired by the Death Positive Movement and based on their own experiences, the performance collective deals with mortality and transience.

Between the apocalypse and rebirth, we ask together with our smartphones: What are the narratives that make our existence kind of seem meaningful? What is our relation to death? Why do we rely on ignoring his presence in everyday life? And what does death mean for queer family constructs?

Henrike Iglesias are based in Berlin and Basel. The permanent crew includes Anna Fries, Eva G. Alonso, Malu Peeters, Marielle Schavan and Sophia Schroth.

ATTENTION: It is an interactive performance. Each spectator needs a smartphone to participate in the performance. If you can’t bring a smartphone, the performance collective will provide one for you to participate in the performance.

FLAMES TO DUST – Henrike Iglesias
9.2. – 11.2.2023
brut nordwest
Nordwestbahnstraße 8–10, 1200 Wien