25.01. – 28.01.2023
A stage play about clearing away – away from any order experts: inside! All that accumulates and piles up in the course of our lives! Things and possessions with the resulting burden, with the rush of opulence and the hangover afterwards, with unwanted and wanted emptiness.
We tidy up, we tidy away, we tidy up a place, we tidy up our home, we tidy up the workplace, we tidy up the past, we tidy up your thoughts – we tidy up and create space. And everything leaves traces and feelings…
6 artists enter the world of space and create an evening that will have many faces: exhibition, installation, song, lecture, theatre, dance, video…
A cooperation of the Mezzanin Theater with the Materialtheater Stuttgart.
25.01. – 28.01.2023
Mezzanin Theater
Elisabethinergasse 27a
8020 Graz