Anita Witek – Unforeseeable Events / Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz

Anita Witek, „Reflex of Freedom", aus der Serie „Unvorhersehbare Ereignisse", 2022  Courtesy die Künstlerin  © Bildrecht, Wien 2022
Anita Witek, „Reflex of Freedom", aus der Serie „Unvorhersehbare Ereignisse", 2022 Courtesy die Künstlerin © Bildrecht, Wien 2022

27.01. – 16.04.2023

The Lentos presents Anita Witek’s most recent works, which were created under the influence of the pandemic and the mood of social upheaval it triggered. To do this, she worked with images from historical magazines that told of possible visions of the future in the past.

The collage is at the center of Anita Witek’s artistic work. Associated with this are processes of collecting, selecting and rearranging visual documents. Her works address the subliminal influence of mass media images on the perception of reality and actuality.

In addition to photographs, Anita Witek is showing an expansive installation in which she invites visitors to identify themselves using two portals for “unpredictable events”.

The exhibition was curated by Hemma Schmutz.

Anita Witek – Unforeseeable Events
27.01. – 16.04.2023
Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz
Ernst-Koref-Promenade 1, Linz