Friederike Feldmann & Alexander Wagner, Galerie allerart Bludenz / Vorarlberg

01.07 – 06.08. 2022

Balancing act between object, illusion & surface: Friederike Feldmann and Alexander Wagner.

The Berlin artist Friederike Feldmann dissects the painting. In her work, she approaches the expressive possibilities of painting in ever new attempts from an external perspective. With an analytical perspective, she deals with core themes of painting such as gesture, texture and representation.

This reduction and clarity of form also characterize the work of Alexander Wagner. He often chooses simple geometric forms and transfers them to photographic subjects, for example. His often large-scale works and installations often frame the real world in strict structures and thus often extend the painting into the real space surrounding the works.

An exhibition between severity and illusion in the allerart gallery Bludenz.

Friederike Feldmann & Alexander Wagner,
Galerie allerart Bludenz
01.07 – 06.08. 2022