Space for Kids. The Art-Nature Laboratory or The Mushrooming Cabinet

Ist die Stadt ein lebender Organismus? Warum verändern Ozeane ihre Farben? Sind Wolkenkratzer aus Glas und Beton auch Natur? Space for Kids. Das Kunst-Natur-Labor oder Die wuchernde Wunderkammer, Foto: Kunsthalle Wien

Is the city a living organism? Why do oceans change color? Are glass-and-concrete skyscrapers nature, too?

Space for Kids is an interactive exhibition format for children and adults that will take place for the fifth time in 2022.
The focus of this edition is on questions that revolve around the changes in our environment. This is inspired by artists who explore climate change, natural ecosystems and the city as a habitat for animals, plants and people.

The kunsthalle wien Karlsplatz becomes an artistic research laboratory, where children and interested adults work together with artists and art educators on an exhibition. In different workshops they can try out various artistic methods and practices and thus playfully uncover new perspectives on our environment.

The results of these workshops, as well as the contributions and traces of the other visitors, are presented in the form of a constantly growing and proliferating exhibition.

Space for Kids. The Art-Nature Laboratory or The Mushrooming Cabinet 
14.6 – 9.10.2022
kunsthalle wien Karlsplatz
treitlstraße 2
1040 Vienna