27.09. – 10.10.2021.
The Science Meets Fiction Festival sees its task as bringing together visions of the future and scientific findings. This year’s motto is “It’s the end of the world as we know it”: the festival explores this question in films, exhibitions and lectures. For two weeks, the festival asks about the interplay between technological developments and social transformation processes and how they are processed in artistic contributions. Where, on closer inspection, does the present surpass the visions of the future of the past? What are probable developments from today’s perspective, what would be desirable? What will remain fiction for the foreseeable future?
The festival will be opened by Kerstin Putz and Thomas von Steinaecker, who will read excerpts from his novel “The Defense of Paradise”. Kerstin Putz and Thomas von Steinaecker will also talk about the fascination of end-time narratives. On September 29, 2021, the conversation format “Pandora” will be a guest in Salzburg. In the style of the literary quartet, Peter Reichl, Michael Funk and Christopher Frauenberger will discuss books on digitization and its role for people and society with experts and the audience. Julia Weratschnig will talk about the beginning of the universe on October 5. In this context, “Die Piefke Saga” Part 4 “The Fulfillment” will be shown together with a short lecture by Lois Hechenblaikner on 07 October at Das Kino. The complete program will be online soon.
Kerstin Putz & Thomas von Steinaecker
„Die Faszination vom Ende der Welt, wie wir sie kennen“
27.09., 19:00Uhr Literaturhaus Salzburg
The Day the Earth stood still, USA 1951 R: Robert Wise
mit einem Kurzvortrag von Julia Grillmayr
28.09., 19:30Uhr Das Kino
Mit Pandora philosophieren
Digitale Zukünfte denken
29.09., 19:00Uhr Academy Bar
Interstellar, USA /UK 2014 R: Christopher Nolan
mit einem Kurzvortrag von Bettina Anderl
30.09., 19:00Uhr Das Kino
Aleksandra Jarosz
How to talk to others by Games
Gespräch mit Sonja Prlić
01.10., 19:30Uhr Das Kino
Wenzel Mehnert
Future follows Fiction
04.10., 19:30Uhr, Robert-Jungk-Bibliothek für Zukunftsfragen
Julia Weratschnig
Das Museum am Ende des Universums
05.10., 18:30Uhr Haus der Natur
Wilfried Altzinger & Aline Blankertz
Über extreme Vermögenskonzentration
06.10., 19:00Uhr Umspannwerk Aigen
Jama Nateqi
Der digitale Gesundheitsassistent
07.10., 17:00Uhr PMU Jörg-Rehns-Auditorium, Haus C
Die Piefke Saga Teil 4 „Die Erfüllung“ AT/DE 1993 R: Werner Masten
mit einem Kurzvortrag von Lois Hechenblaikner
07.10., 19:30Uhr Das Kino
Material Speculations
Fragen an die smarten Dinge von Morgen
08.10., 18:30Uhr Toihaus Theater
Theater als Experimentierraum für Neues
09.10., 17:00/18:00/19:00Uhr Toihaus Theater
Science meets Fiction Festival ’21
27.09. – 10.10.2021
various locations