Kultursommer 2021 / Wien

(c) stadt wien marketing

03.07. – 15.08.2021.

CULTURE THAT TASTES EVERYONE – culture as food for an entire city.

Culture that cannot be bypassed. This isthe essence of the program concept ofthe Kultursommer Wien, which spreads overall districts of the city with its program offeringson 40 stages in public spaces.Developed out of the Corona planning emergencylast summer, the Kultursommer Wienconcept of enlivening the Grätzel throughoutthe city with cultural events provedto be a complete „accidental“ success. Thestaging of numerous squares and parks hasonce again brought culture closer to thepeople and opened it up to audiences whootherwise rarely attend cultural events.For Vienna‘s City Councillor for Culture VeronikaKaup-Hasler, who already dealt intensivelywith the interactions between culture,public space and social integration duringher time as artistic director of steirischerherbst, the Summer of Culture is about onething above all: „We have created a formatfor joie de vivre, lightness and optimism.And that‘s what we need to deal with theconsequences. It is not only people who havethirsted for art and culture. Cultural practitionershave also missed their audience.“The event areas, which are spread out overthe city in small sections, also create newzones of social encounters in public spaces.For Veronika Kaup-Hasler, the concept of theKultursommer is therefore also a living signof solidarity and an important contributionto social integration through communitybuildingcultural offerings.The program is as diverse as the city itself.Pop, rock and hip-hop, soul, indie and classicalmusic, dance, theater and performance,cabaret, comedy and improv theater, readings,spoken word and poetry slam, transcultural,participatory and interdisciplinaryformats, contemporary circus, figure and objecttheater, jazz, folk and songwriting, electronicand experimental music, Austropop,Wiener Lied, folk music and Schlager. FromNino aus Wien to Kompost 3, EuroTeuro, RebeccaAnnouche and Aniada a Noar.The Kultursommer Wien is also a strongsign for a „culture from below“ and thevitality of the Viennese cultural scene. Afteran open program call, the jury was able tochoose from more than 2,400 program submissions.In order to maintain an overviewof 1,000 acts at 40 locations, the organizershave produced a small and at the same timesurprisingly clear program guide, which canalso be downloaded from the event homepage.With it in your pocket, it‘s practicallyimpossible for anyone traveling in Viennathis summer to escape the culture.All events take place with free admission.Seats are available on a first-come-firstservedbasis according to the currently validCorona rules.

Kultursommer 2021
03.07. – 15.08.2021
various locations
