Angewandte Festival

(c) Martina Lajczak, AF21 Litfaßsäule 1150, ID2

29.06. – 02.07.2021.

City becomes art! And it is not only buzzing at Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz! For three years now, the current academic year has culminated in an exhilarating conclusion and climax – the Angewandte Festival in Vienna.

Since May 11, a different place in the city has been streamed every Tuesday as part of the pre-program. Now, red fog is drifting across Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz and wafting into all 23 districts of Vienna. On one advertising pillar in each district artists work and the themes of the exhibitions of the individual departments are on display.

The curatorial team Lena Kohlmayr with Eva Maria Stadler and Martina Schöggl has done a great job. The public space is challenged. Hans Schabus transforms the square in front of the university into a temporary sculpture – now no longer space or architecture. The exhibitions are in the Vordere Zollamtsstraße and in the former Otto Wagner main post office, where the new premises of the Angewandte are now located. The accompanying festival program of the Angewandte Festival 2021 – audio, book, discourse, film, guided tour, intervention, reading, performance, sound, tour, video, workshops – takes place mostly in public space. As a central and highly visible outdoor festival homebase, Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz welcomes with an info point for all questions about the festival and as a meeting point for guided tours through the exhibitions in the university buildings and tours in public space.

Registration for the guided program through the exhibitions of the departments and other festival program contributions with registration directly at:

Angewandte Festival
29.06. – 02.07.2021
Universität für Angewandte Kunst
Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2
1010 Wien