Leon Kahane “Les Drancéens” / Traklhaus, Salzburg

(c) Alfred Nimal 1922-1944

19.07. – 28.08.2021.

The exhibition “Les Drancéens” shows the history of the “Citè de la Muette”. In the early 1930s, the modernist apartment block was built in Drancy, a suburb of Paris. In the course of the Nazi occupation, large parts of the Citè were turned into the largest deportation camp in France. Between 1941 and 1944, 63,000 of 65,000 inmates were deported to Auschwitz. Kahane approaches this place and its history, which is closely interwoven with his family biography, through the media of photography and video.

In his conceptual video works, photographs and installations, Leon Kahane deals with migration and identity in a globalized society and takes up its politics in the mirror of socially marginalized groups. Again and again, he draws attention to historical events and institutions in order to focus on their inherent contradictions. Starting from his family biography, he reflects on the social, political and economic conditionality of contemporary history. By means of cultural criticism, he analyzes existing social conditions and locates them in current political tendencies.

The exhibition is a cooperation between Kunst im Traklhaus and the Internationale Sommerakademie für Bildende Kunst Salzburg. 


Leon Kahane “Les Drancéens”
19.07. – 28.08.2021
Waagplatz 1a
5020 Salzburg

