Rudi Klein: Portraits und Geschenke / Galerie Lisi Hämmerle, Bregenz

(c) Rudi Klein, Ausstellungsansicht

12.06. – 10.07.2021.

When the Lochgott greets, humor is not neglected. And yet the visual-artistic works of Rudi Klein are not so well known, but in any case worth a closer look. Works by the artist have already been on display in venues such as the Lentos, the WienMuseum and the Stadtmuseum Dornbirn. In the Lisi Hämmerle Gallery, works that Rudi Klein calls artificial things can now be seen in an exhibition that does not lack humor and also makes you smile throughout.

Rudi Klein: Portraits und Geschenke
12.06. – 10.07.2021
Galerie Lisi Hämmerle
Anton-Schneider-Straße 4a
6900 Bregenz