Art as an intercultural bridge builder: Re_stArt_#Graz 2020 accompanies artistically active people with a migration background back into the creative process.
Re_stArt_#Graz 2020 wants to accompany people with migration biographies, who were already artistically-creatively active in their home country, back into the artistic creative process.
In workshops, the creative people are given the opportunity to re-enter the world of art. During the creative process, the artists are accompanied by mentors. The process goes beyond a mere integration project: art not only becomes an intercultural bridge builder here, but the protagonists also regain a purpose in life. At the same time, their artistic expertise enriches the Graz art scene.
The project, initiated by the JUKUS association, will be realized as part of the Year of Culture 2020. At the first get-to-know-you workshop at the <rotor> association, numerous creatives were already able to network with each other and present their ideas for artworks. The participants came from ten different countries, all have lived in Graz for years and pursue a wide variety of art forms: From painting, conceptual art, to drawing, graphics, photography and woodwork.
The works created during the project will be on display in a joint exhibition in October. In addition, a book publication is being produced that documents the artistic relaunch and sheds light on the biographical backgrounds of the protagonists.
Re_stArt_#Graz 2020
Kulturjahr 2020
Verein JUKUS
Annenstraße 39
8020 Graz
Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kusnt
Volksgartenstraße 6a
8020 Graz