Active Urban Citizenship / Graz & online

(c) Eveline Rieger / Maryam Mohammadi

04.03. – 28.04.2021.

“Active Urban Citizenship. From Utopias of Living Together to Sustainable Urban Development” is a project that addresses the question of what active citizenship can look like today. It seeks new possibilities for successful coexistence in the face of an increasingly diverse population structure.

In so-called Living Labs, the scientific team is developing a participatory, artistic process around the exhibition in order to survey the potentials of an active urban citizenry.

For this purpose, four half-day workshops will be held in cooperation with the Frauenservice Graz and the XENOS association. “Active Urban Citizenship” uses qualitative methods of action research and brings together education, political and social science, human geography as well as actors from various fields of practice through an inter- and transdisciplinary approach.

The results of the first three workshops will be reflected in a final workshop and presented to the interested public in an exhibition in store windows of locals and stores in the district of Lend.

Active Urban Citizenship 
04.03.2021, 13:00Uhr 
10.03.2021, 17:30Uhr online
11.03. – 28.04.2021, in Schaufenstern von Lokalen und Geschäften im Bezirk Lend