Peter Kubovsky „Das geschnittene Frauenbild“ / Schlossmuseum Linz

Peter Kubovsky Ohne Titel, 44 x 62 cm, 2 Farbplatten auf Japanpapier, Linolschnitt, 1968 69 © Margit Palme

11.02.2021 – 28.03.2021. Linocuts by Linz painter and graphic artist Peter Kubovsky at the Castle Museum.

The Schlossmuseum in Linz will host an exhibition of works by Peter Kubovsky starting in early February. The painter and graphic artist from Linz (1930-2014) is especially known for his landscape paintings, but hardly seen are his linocuts, which will be shown in this exhibition. Overall, the series is characterized by an astonishing formal range: from subjects consisting of a few reduced lines and areas of color to sheets on which the artist combines various fragments of motifs into a tableau in an offset-like manner. The prints, executed on translucent Japanese paper, are for the most part unique or very small editions.

Peter Kubovsky „Das geschnittene Frauenbild“
11.02.2021 – 28.03.2021
Schlossmuseum Linz
Schlossberg 1
4020 Linz