>> temporarily closed from 03.11 << 21.10.2020 – 21.02.2021.
The young Chinese photographer Luo Yang is the first time a photo exhibition is dedicated to her in the Francisco Carolinum. About 50 – 60 photographs from the series Girls and Youth will be shown. Between 2008 and 2016 the extensive series GIRLS was created, a very personal examination of the photographer with women of her generation. Whether against the backdrop of Chinese mega-cities or in intimate settings in their private lives, the young women present themselves self-confidently and individually, but at the same time appear vulnerable and fragile. Away from traditional female role models and traditional clichés, they seek their way to a self-determined life in modern China.
Luo Yang
21.10.2020 – 21.02.2021
FC – Francisco Carolinum
Museumstraße 14
4010 Linz