“Ideen verändern” / Designforum Wien

(c) Liana Gfrerer Stolpersteine digital aus der Klasse für Ideen

29.09. – 24.10.2020.

An exhibition entitled “Changing Ideas” will be shown at the Designforum in Vienna. A retrospective of the last ten years as well as new works of the “Class for Ideas” of the University of Applied Arts will be on display. The exhibition is part of the Vienna Design Week. The focus of the exhibited projects is on the topic of social transformation – ideas that are intended to stimulate thinking, action and change in general. The exhibition is accompanied by a series of lectures in which experts provide food for thought on various topics.

As one of 24 works in the exhibition, the project “Stumbling Stones Digital” by Liana Gfrerer, for example, gives the memorial stones of the victims of National Socialism on Salzburg’s streets a new function: Her app makes them findable, gives the persons of the memorial stones faces and tells their stories. Martin Klaffensteiner’s “Wunderpunkt” project shows which media and information should be included in the concept of a digital vaccination card. Lenka Reschenbach’s project “Pilling Up” shows in impressively reduced illustrations and animations infographics about Austrian democracy and the proportion of women in it.

Ideen verändern
29.09. – 24.10.2020
Designforum Wien
Quartier 21 MQ
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Wien
