Architektur.Film.Sommer 2020 / AzW, Wien

(c) Pablo Leiva

05., 12., 19. und 26.08.2020.

The Architecture Summer Film Festival in the courtyard of the Azw is dedicated to architecture in film. The theme “Built Justice” is the central focus, award-winning films and new discoveries reflect the development of urban and rural areas. In the face of growing inequalities in the use of resources, “built justice” in architecture and urbanism is under scrutiny. Who plans, builds, finances for whom and for what purpose? To what extent is justice manifested socially, ecologically and spatially, and what infrastructures are needed for this? Is sufficient (public) space allocated to all users? The four film evenings show future-oriented projects and critical perspectives on historical and current developments.

Architektur.Film.Sommer 2020
05., 12., 19. und 26.08.2020
Architekturzentrum Wien AzW
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Wien