#dif20 Sommertour / Donauinsel, Wien

(c) #dif20 Sommertour / Alexander Müller

01.07. – 18.09.2020. #dif20 Sommertour instead of Donauinselfest.

This summer it’s called #dif20 Summer Tour instead of Donauinselfest: due to known limitations, this year’s Danube Island Festival will take place as a festival on four wheels, a tour in 80 days through all of Vienna is on the program instead.

But it won’t be possible to do without the Danube Island completely: the grand finale of the tour will take place on the Danube Island on 19 and 20.09.2020, with a limited number of visitors, of course. But until then, a bus will be touring all 23 districts of Vienna, bringing cabaret, readings and concerts to the visitors – all for free. In this way, 100 acts will come together. Parallel to the tour bus, a tour bike for the children tours the city. In parks and baths, the little Danube Island Festival fans are offered shows and join in stations with circus, handicrafts, acrobatics and much more.

#dif20 Sommertour
01.07. – 18.09.2020
various locations