Bregenzer Festtage / Festspielhaus, Bregenz

Bregenz, 15.5.2020 Bregenzer Festspiele, Pressekonferenz, PK, Absage, Corona, Covid 19

15. – 22.08.2020. Bregenzer Festtage instead of Bregenzer Festspiele.

Since the Bregenz Festival will not be taking place this year, it has been decided to hold at least the Bregenz Festival from 15 to 22 August 2020.

During the eight-day series of events, three concerts, an evening of arias and even a music theatre premiere will be performed. The Seestudio will bring two evenings of music & poetry, and the Kunsthaus Bregenz will also be the venue for the festivities with a concert at the KUB.

At Music & Poetry, Karl Markovic will read bitingly satirical and frighteningly topical works by the Austrian model critic Karl Kraus, accompanied musically by the Neue Wiener Concert Schrammeln.

Programm Bregenzer Festtage