Bezau Beats 2020 / Bezau, Vorarlberg

(c) Adelphi Quartett


On 07. and 08.08.2020 the Bezau Beats Music Festival takes place in Bezau, Vorarlberg. Musicians from Austria, Germany and Switzerland will be guests this year when the festival, limited to 100 visitors, takes place.

The locations are special again this year: the church of Bezau and the Wälderbähnle in the remise are on the programme. The Adelphi Quartet, Falling! And Dell / Lillinger / Westergaard, who are playing the 07.08. One day later, on 08.08., after a morning pint, Maya Homburger & Barry Guy, Prince Grizzley & his Bergaroos, Gropper / Aaron / Henkelhausen / Black and Dhalgren will literally go for it.

Bezau Beats 2020
various locations
Bahnhof 147
6870 Bezau