Klaus Falschlunger Saturday Night Sitar Sessions / Online

(c) pexels

20., 27.06.2020

The sitar player and musician Klaus Falschlunger will give two live concerts on June 20 and June 27, 2020, which can be watched via stream.

Falschlunger is one of the most versatile and successful sitar players in Europe. After studying sitar in New Delhi and Northern India he more and more explored his musical limits and those of the instrument. In his compositions you can find different elements from Indian music, jazz, folk and rock/pop. Besides his preference for Indian classical music he plays, experiments and composes with different formations. The online concerts he will play with Clemens Rofner (double bass) and Christian Unsinn (drums).

Klaus Falschlunger Trio Special
20., 27.06.2020

