Mozarteum Salzburg #kleinepausemozart online

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With #kleinePauseMozart the Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg reports daily online at 11 am from the diverse Mozart cosmos.

The team of the Mozarteum Foundation is transferring its programme to the internet as of now.

Every day at 11.00 a.m. a new program section is presented on the project page #kleinePauseMozart (EN: short break Mozart). From readings, concerts, videos, virtual museum walks to talk shows and handicraft instructions.

With topics that are right on trend:

The eleven-year-old Leonard Burkali, for example, has composed his own canon for washing hands with the unmistakable request “Wosch da d’ Händ!” (wash your hands!)

If that’s not a reason for a short break…

Mozarteum Salzburg: Daily new online program at 11:00
