> cancelled <
08.03.2020 – 14.03.2020, Dornbirn.
Human Vision Festival – Film Festival in Dornbirn with focus on climate and environmental change.
The HUMAN VISION Film Festival revolves around climate, environment and other burning issues of good cooperation.
A diverse selection of films, discussions with experts and artistic installations make the overriding festival theme of human rights visible. Because human rights are not visible everywhere, Spielboden Dornbirn and the Vorarlberg Platform for Human Rights have joined forces to draw attention to humanity and better living together.
Ten feature films, one short film and a short film series focusing on LGBTIQ are on the programme of this year’s HUMAN VISION Festival.
Among other things you can see The Wind Phone (US 2019) revolves around a lonely phone booth on the Japanese coast. Buoyancy (AUS 2019) tells the stony path of a 14-year-old boy from Cambodia. Also Honeyland (MAZ 2019), about Macedonian wild beekeepers will be shown. The resistance in Hambach Forest is the focus of The Red Line (DEU 2019), The Voice of the Rainforest (CHE/AUT 2019) tells the adventurous story of Bruno Manser in the jungles of Borneo.
In addition, a poetry slam workshop will take place, as well as various discussions with experts: Markus Blümel will speak about solidarity-based economies, Alois Schäfer will discuss the consequences of the climate crisis. You can immerse yourself in the world of soil in an excursion with Peter Feuersinger.
HUMAN VISION Film Festival
Spielboden Dornbirn
Färbergasse 15
6850 Dornbirn