> Event pending – please refer to the homepage of the organiser <
01.05.2020 – 06.09.2020,
Andy Warhol Exhibits – a glittering alternative at Mumok.
Andy Warhol was many – artist, curator and what else? The exhibition “Andy Warhol Exhibits – a glittering alternative” at Mumok asks this question, juxtaposing excerpts from his early work and his work as an exhibition organizer, curated by Marianne Dobner.
Works from his very first exhibition Fifteen Drawings Based on the Writings of Truman Capote (1952), never-before-seen paper sculptures (1954), rarely exhibited drag drawings (1953) and book projects such as In the Bottom of My Garden (1958) will be on view.
These early works are juxtaposed with Warhol’s own exhibition practice between the 1960s and 1980s. The theme here is the close interweaving of work and mode of presentation in Warhol’s oeuvre.
The exhibition is accompanied by extensive scientific publications and text contributions, among others by Marianne Dobner, Naoko Kaltschmidt, Neil Printz and Jennifer Sichel.
Andy Warhol Exhibits
“a glittering alternative”
18.04. – 18.06.2020
Mumok Wien
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna