> closed <
19.02.2020-24.05.2020; Linz.
Austrian civil courage in the NS regime.
The exhibition “Die Gerechten – Courage ist eine Frage der Entscheidung”, eng. “The Righteous – Courage is a Question of Decision”, at the Schlossmuseum Linz presents both gloomy and deeply human insights into the period of Nazi terror and the persecution of Jews in Austria.
The focus is on those courageous Austrians who risked their own lives to save Jewish fellow citizens from murder by the Nazi regime. All over the world, these people are awarded the honorary title “Righteous among the Nations” by the Israeli memorial Yad Vashem.
Die Gerechten – Courage ist eine Frage der Entscheidung
Schlossmuseum Linz
Schlossberg 1
4020 Linz