Susana Sawoff, Musician

Susana Sawoff is a musician, singer and pianist. Born in Graz, she has lived in Hamburg for 10 years. She always likes to come back to her hometown – not least to rehearse with her duo partner of the jazz-pop group Exit Universe in the basement vaults of the Freiheitsplatz.

Musically, Sawoff moves in very different genres: With her jazz trio Susana Sawoff, she performs soft, soulful pieces, while together with her two sisters she makes wild, trashy electro-pop music under the name Resisters. “When it comes to music, the most important thing for me is the emotionality that touches people,” says Sawoff. “It starts with the fact that it moves me, because only then does it reach the audience.”

Susana Sawoff:

Exit Universe: