“Renate Hausenblas. Anima + Faraday = Ζωή” / Salzburger Kunstverein

Tierchen © Courtesy of the artist

14.12.2019 – 05.01.2020; Salzburg.
Between security and freedom-consuming perseverance: Renate Hausenblas shows new works at the Salzburger Kunstverein.

In her latest works, the artist Renate Hausenblas addresses the question of security or containment: she examines the influence of Faraday’s cages on zωή (physical life) and anima (the breath that makes a physical body alive). The artist’s miniature paintings seem cut out like little animals living in cages made of copper wire.

Hausenblas, who was born in Munich, has had a strong presence on the Salzburg artist scene in recent years. As a trained mathematician, she incorporates scientific elements into her work. She takes up both folkloristic and everyday narratives and translates them into socially relevant themes.

Renate Hausenblas. Anima + Farady = Ζωή
14.12.2019 – 05.01.2020
Salzburger Kunstverein
Hellbrunner Straße 3
5020 Salzburg