07.11.2019 – 01.12.2019; Graz.
“Museum at home” with the Arthothek Steiermark.
The Artothek Steiermark offers art enthusiasts the chance to borrow for private use selected original artworks from the collection at the Neue Galerie Graz. In 2019, it will already be the fourth time that the Arthotek has operated. Some 20 works are available for loan and can be viewed and reserved throughout the one-month exhibition. After the exhibition is over, borrowers can take the reserved artworks away with them, letting their effect sink in at home for a period of eight months. In this way, art found in a museum directly reaches the public.
Artothek Styria 2019
Opening: 07.11.2019 | 19.00
Exhibition: 08.11. – 01.12.2019
Neue Galerie Graz
Joanneumsviertel, Zugang Kalchberggasse
8010 Graz