“Andy Warhol to Cindy Sherman. Amerikanische Kunst aus der Albertina” / Schlossmuseum Linz


19.11.2019 – 29.03.2020; Linz.
The power of pictures for the image of a nation.

Our view of the USA is shaped by pictures of the entertainment industry: from film and television to advertising and newspapers, from Hollywood icons to the cover of Time magazine with the electric chair. No other nation has relied so much on the power and impact of images and symbols as the United States.

With over 200 works of American art from 1960 to the present day, this large-scale exhibition will illustrate how much our ideas of truth and reality, of facts and fake news are based on America’s pictorial culture and the new way we deal with all these images. Artists from Andy Warhol and Robert Rauschenberg, Alex Katz to Robert Longo and Cindy Sherman accompanied and commented on this change in society with radically new aesthetic strategies and artistic techniques.

The exhibition is a loan of the Albertina Vienna to Schlossmuseum Linz.

Andy Warhol bis Cindy Sherman. Amerikanische Kunst aus der Albertina
Eröffnung: Mo, 18.11. 2019, 19 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer: 19.11.2019 – 29.03.202
Schlossmuseum Linz
Schlossberg 1
4020 Linz