“Maria Anwander – Work in Progress” / Magazin 4, Bregenz

"In the Studio": Ihre jüngste Arbeit zeigt die Künstlerin auf über hundert Bildern in ihrem Atelier in einer zum Teil befremdlichen abwesenden Gestik.

08.12.2019 – 02.02.2020; Bregenz.
Unfinished and being created: Works by the Vorarlberg artist Maria Anwander in a constantly evolving exhibition.

The Vorarlberg conceptual artist Maria Anwander meets the pressure that weighs on artists with humour and irony. In her works, she depicts the lives of young artists and questions norms and conventions.

The title of the exhibition is exemplary for many of Anwander’s works that are unfinished or not yet completed. The exhibition itself is a “work in progress”: some works remain only concepts, the implementation hinted at. Placeholders take their position, reflect an atmosphere of suspense, and become works of art themselves. At the entrance to the exhibition, Maria Anwander transforms the exhibition space of Magazin 4 itself into an original-sized model.

The exhibition focuses on the artist’s own morality and the relationship between artist, audience and institution. An important role in Anwander’s works is played by appropriation, authorship, intellectual property or the question of original and copy. The deconstruction of the actual work often leads to the blurred border between object and imagination.

Maria Anwander – Work in Progress
08.12.2019 – 02.02.2020
Magazin 4
Bergmannstraße 6
6900 Bregenz