Teaching materials for teaching German as a foreign language about Marina Schmied

Teaching materials from the 9th grade for teaching German as a foreign language to the film about the ballet dancer Marina Schmied.

Link to the film: Marina Schmied, Balletttänzerin. Oper Graz

Link to the PDF with the teaching materials: Marina Schmied.pdf

Marina Schmied comes from France and works as a ballet dancer in the Graz Opera. During the week, she rehearses there for several hours a day for upcoming performances. In her work, it is important to her that she has fun and that she can express herself and her feelings in dance. She appreciates the contact with her colleagues, who are all from different countries, because you can learn a lot from each other. For relaxation she likes to go to the Augartenpark in Graz. It is quiet there, but the many people who spend their free time in the park, but still give him this vibrant city feel.