Teaching materials from the 9th grade for teaching German as a foreign language to the film about the pianist KingYi Foong.
Link to the film: KingYi Foong, Konzertfach Klavier. Kunstuniversität Graz
Link to the PDF with the teaching materials: KingYi Foong.pdf
„I am culturally diverse, but Graz embraces this diversity, Graz embraces music and Graz ebmbraces creativity.“says KingYi Foong, pianist and business economist. Originating from China she was born in Malaysia and grew up in Australia. When she turned 20 she already lived on three continents thereby music has always been her constant companion. Music played also the major part in her decission to coming to the capital of Styria. Music was also the deciding reason for her to come to the capital of Styria, where after completing her studies in “Piano Performance” she shares her musical adventures at concerts with the audience through the black-and-white keys.