13.07. – 21.07.2019; Graz.
body | voice | dance – workshops & performances
Under the motto “to contribute instead of imitating”, this year’s focus of the festival is on participating and creating oneself. In addition to workshops and workshops, one can of course admire national and international dancers at touching performances.
The programme includes the Englishman James Wilton, who is presenting the play “The Storm” this year.
In the workshops the actress Julia Gräfner will teach “body, voice, expression” and Mirjam Karvat will teach a new dance technique with “GAGA”. With the unity of Andrea Nagl, “Release Ballet”, the participants can develop their own individual approach to the very structured formal language of the ballet.
28. Internationale Bühnenwerkstatt
Theater im Palais an der KUG
Leonhardstraße 15
8010 Graz
Performances & Acts