“Too much is not enough! The Donation ‘Artelier Collection” / Neue Galerie Graz

Erwin Wurm, Aus der Serie „VOGL“, 2002.

14.02. – 25.08.2019; Graz.
After concluding the “Edition Artelier” Petra and Ralph Schilcher handed over their collection to the Universalmuseum Joanneum. Selected objects are shown in the Neue Galerie.

Within 30 years the “Edition Artelier” gathered more than 500 editions of national and international artist. 2016 the whole repertoire, a serial art collection of more than 1000 works, was handed to the Universalmuseum Joanneum.

The museum will acknowledge this generous gift in 2019 with an exhibition, which will explore, in particular, the significance of serial art, the essence of an “art [form] without unique work”, of reproducible art, in the context of such terms as original and copy.

Martin Kippenberger, Happy End of Kafka‘s „Amerika“, 1996.

As early as 1998, the Neue Galerie Graz in conjunction with the Galerie & Edition Artelier GmbH presented parts of the editions that had been published until then, in a comprehensive exhibition mounted in the Künstlerhaus Graz. In gratitude for this cooperation, the Artelier gifted a bundle of editions to the Neue Galerie Graz. In 2016, the Edition Artelier ended the production and publishing of editions. So as to guarantee the continuity of the serial art created over 30 years and the documentation of the cultural-historical work of the Edition Artelier, the Artelier Collection GmbH, together with other owners of the artworks, handed over selected objects from this art and documentation collection to the Neue Galerie Graz in the form of a donation made in 2015.

Too much is not enough! The Donation “Artelier Collection”
Opening: 14.02.2019 | 18.00
Exhibition: 15.02. – 25.08.2019
Neue Galerie Graz
Joanneumsviertel, Zugang Kalchberggasse
8010 Graz