“Sofa 68” / esc medien kunst labor Graz 2018

23.11. – 14.12.2018; Graz.
1998 Pierre Bourdieu plainly announced, that May 1968 brought nowhere much impact.

The recollection of 1968 is a construction. Even though May 68 did not bring down any regimes, it planted pictures in our heads. TV slowly but surely became a mass medium. The “revolution of thinking” was communicated through images. In the media exhibition “Sofa 68”, the “esc” in Graz begins to search for construction-traces.

Sofa 68
23.11. – 14.12.2018
Bürgergasse 5
8010 Graz

Seppo Gründler | music, sound, images
Rupert Lehofer | dramaturgy, performance