14.06. – 21.07.2018; Salzburg.
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you
Jolene …
(DollyParton, 1973)
‘(empty) space – Vom Leben, der Verzweiflung’ [(empty) space – of life, of desperation] is a performative installation that references the natural history documentary genre and asks how it is possible to “queer” existing places or spaces. How can these be freed from their usual connotations? And might it be possible to share these new experiential spaces with each other?
With the multi-layered performance Georg Klüver-Pfandtner shakes up established ways of seeing, reflects these in a humorous manner and allows both performers and audiences to wander together through a fantasy wilderness experiencing this end of time scenario from the view point of fictitious earthlings.
*Georg Klüver-Pfandtner studied Performance Research in Giessen and Fine Art and Choreography at Falmouth University and Darting- ton College of Arts respectively. He works in the elds of visual arts, rela- tional art, installation, performance and theatre, which often overlap in his artistic practice.