“Schau Graz!” / GrazMuseum

Baukulturrealitycheck: Graz aus der GVB-Haltestellenperspektive.

17.05. – 10.09.2018; Graz.
Exhibition showing 426 positions to the current situation of the city Graz.

426 photographs that document the social present state of Graz were taken along the routes of busses and trams. The artist Franziska Schurig assigned the photographs taken at the stops to the respective city districts. Visitors are invited to experience the complex structures of the city and how the acting forces influence the daily use of the city. In the eight district derbies of the accompanying programme inhabitants of two different districts analyse the similarities and differences of their respective parts of the town. An accompanying publication summarizes photographs and texts by experts.

Schau Graz
17.05. – 10.09.2018
Sackstraße 18
A-8010 Graz