02.02. & 22.02. – 25.02.2018; Feldkirch.
Esthetical festival under the motto „Aufbrechen, heimkehren“ (“setting off, coming home”) connects music to everyday–culture.
On the occasion of the 800-year anniversary by the city Feldkirch the outstanding grammar schools of the 14th And 15th century along with their scholars who gained international acknowledgement are focused by this years “Zwischentöne”.
In line with the traditional “greetings from the kitchen“ the curators Hans-Joachim Gögl and Folkert Uhde gave some insight into this year’s program. Thanks to the anniversary bonus there will be an additional short concert of the wind ensemble “Freischwimmer” and a clubbing with DJ Leo Hermes on this day. On the 22nd of February early birds have the chance to go to the Morning concert “Will Kommen” by Mathias Johansen who will present some of the creations by Johann Sebastian Bach as well as Gaspar Cassadó. In the evening young ensembles will present surprising performances around the theme “begehren – Über das Verlangen” (“desiring – about longing”).
On the following days there will be varying items on the agenda for example an excursion facilitating a completely new awareness of the city or the dark concert “Lights Out”.
Montforter Zwischentöne
02.02. & 22.02. – 25.02.2018
Montfortplatz 1
6800 Feldkirch