“Abstract Hungary”/ Graz

"It Wasn't Us Who Told Lizi to Lie down on the Cold Kitchen Floor" von Zsófia Keresztes

24.06. – 07.09.2017; Graz.
The curators Sandro Droschl and Áron Fenyvesi venture on a survey of contemporary Hungarian art in the exhibition “Abstract Hungary”.

Not only works of renowned and still active artists such as Imre Bak, Dóra Maurer or István Nádler are shown there, but also works of outstanding middle and younger generations. 24 artists in total are represented at this exhibition who have a critical look on their own approaches and events in art history. The term “abstraction” in the sense of being an open-minded, productive attitude functions as a connecting element.

24.06. – 07.09.2017